
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I'm going to start with some pictures!

I'm starting with some pictures of some crafty things I've made so far. I'm a new chrocheter and a new jewelry maker. I like what I've made so far, but would like to expand my knowledge of both.

These necklaces are my own design. Made for myself. Though I don't ever wear them.

My Yarn Bag- front
This is my eighth crochet project. I will get the first seven up soon. I tried to make this Yarn Bag but it was too floppy so, I added a drawstring to it and still plan to add a strap.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Welcome to my new blog!

I am just getting started so, I will be updating a lot during the next few days. Please come back soon to see what I have to offer!
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